
We offer various services, both static ones on this site and dynamic ones on this domain, and give you the links to them here. Some of those might require JavaScript, which will be the only exceptions for the "No JS" rule for this site.

If anything is broken, it might be that that is due to our configuration, rather than the backend software, so feel free to contact us with any errors you encounter. We have a monitoring page for our services set up on GitHub Pages. Note that, in order to avoid it not working due to our own infrastructure being broken, it runs on GitHub's servers, not our own.

The onion links are for users of Tor Browser or other browsers connecting to the Tor network. If you don't know what that is, you probably can safely ignore the onion links.

We do not take donations for legal reasons, and the cost for running all this is also relatively low. If you want to support our causes, you could donate to ILGA-Europe or Tafel Deutschland e.V., for example, or one of the funds recommended by Giving What We Can.

Services currently offered: