
This is a page acting as a third party source for additional verification of things like public key fingerprints or onion links. If the information you got on this should differ from what is on here, immediately contact us! This HTML file has a detached Minisign signature; i.e. run this to verify this page being signed by us (note the public key specified in the last command should match what you read elsewhere about our public Minisign key):

minisign -Vm verify.html -P 'RWQOIDycKDQhQys8rP1C4lRLMna0CRGIUDqtRvTLLVNRD/tfNfnJXN1p'

Our keys and links

Onion links

PGP key fingerprints

Signify/Minisign keys (people)

Signify/Minisign keys (organizations)

SSH keys/fingerprints

age keys

F-Droid repository fingerprints

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