Oh my, it's uh, been a bit over 3 years since we last did a Fragments post. Anyway, here's two more cute/wholesome/fun snippets from our internal quadrilogue.
fc17: The snuggling squad… they… come at night and then… they snuggle you!
L: Oh no! Do you think I'm prepared? extends the zappers on her forearms
fc17: Those probably… won't help… They're… professional snugglers…
L: Hm, are you a professional snuggler?
fc17: No…
L: Am I a professional snuggler?
fc17: No… unless… do you have a snuggling license?
L: checks pockets Hm, no, don't seem to have one with me.
fc17: Then… you can't… call yourself… a professional snuggler…
L: But can I still be a snuggler?
fc17: You are a snuggler! snuggles tighter into Laura's embrace
DeM: It is always a pleasure cuddling with you, milady.
T.: Oh, I'm a "m'lady" now? ^^
fc17 (to Laura): Are they… flirtiiiing?